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On December 4th, 2021, Dave Hesse, Maryland Division Manager, awarded four employees the first MORE Awards. As
this tradition begins, each division and department manager will have the ability to nominate employees who go above
and beyond their roles. Employees can nominated for awards like MORE Effort, Teamwork, and Mentoring but are not
limited to this categories. The following four employees who were recognized this year are:
• Brian Baker – MORE Effort – During the supply shortage, Brian has gone above and beyond his role as KY
Warehouse Mgr. He has located material as far away as Texas to support all divisions as they need products to keep
the job moving.
• Austin Lynch – MORE Mentoring- Austin has been an integral part of the ACE Mentorship Program in Frederick,
Maryland, for six years. Austin is the lead mentor and has proven to be one of the reasons our program is thriving and
continues to thrive even during a pandemic, putting in 40 – 50 hrs per year.
• Kristina Koepke – MORE Mentoring – Kristina has been an integral part of the ACE Motorships Program in Frederick,
Maryland. Kristina has shown a true passion for teaching in the ACE program about architecture and CAD. Kristina has
been working 40 hours per year with ACE.
• Tiffany Wildern – MORE Teamwork – Tiffany has been willing to jump in anywhere needed at ECMS and KRSM, well
beyond her daily job as Pre-Construction Manager. She went above and beyond to get the MORE campaign started
with Dave.
We are grateful for all the hard work and dedication everyone puts into making Kalkreuth and East Coast great! We
look forward to honoring employees each year for being MORE.

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