Posts By: Kalkreuth


MAY 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) Project Manager James Hurley and East Coast Metal Systems Production Manager Stephen Khoo volunteered as ‘models’ for the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Annual Rock the Runway Fashion Show and Fundraiser in Wheeling, WV.

All proceeds from the event went to the YWCA Domestic Violence Education Program, which offers direct support services to victims of domestic violence.

ECMS Assistant Project Manager Ellen Sommer, Project Manager Sam Harris, Pre-Construction Coordinator Tiffany Wildern, and KRSM President and CEO Jim Hurley attended the event to show their support and cheer on their fellow teammates!

Pictured from left to right is Ellen, Sam (back), Tiffany, Stephen, Jim, and James


MAY 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) is excited to once again be the Title Sponsor for the 20th Annual Debbie Green Memorial 5K Run/ Walk for Leukemia set to take place on August 3, 2019 at Heritage Port in Wheeling, WV.

The Debbie Green Memorial 5K began in memory of Race Director Ron Green’s sister Debbie Green who lost her battle with Leukemia at the age of 7. All proceeds from the event help benefit local children who suffer from Leukemia and other forms of pediatric cancer.

We presented Ron with a sponsorship check last month, and we are excited to start rallying our employees, family, and friends to create the largest team for the 4th consecutive year!

“The Debbie Green 5K is very fortunate to have such a caring and devoted community leader and title sponsor like Kalkreuth,” said Ron. “We are very thankful for all that they do for our cause.”


MAY 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) Roofing Foreman Herschel Morrison, Project Manager Paul Novak, and VP of Purchasing Bill Lewis attended the annual Ohio Roofing Contractors Association (ORCA) Golf Outing in Bellville, Ohio.

At the event, our team had the opportunity to golf in a foursome with Roofing & Exterior Products and Services of Ohio (REPS) Territory Manager Aaron Spencer.

This event was a great networking opportunity to connect with others within the roofing industry.

Pictured from left to right is Herschel, Paul, Aaron, and Bill.


MAY 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) was recognized at the Pinnacle Level through Johns Manville’s Peak Advantage Program for the 5th consecutive year!

Johns Manville’s Peak Advantage Program consists of three different levels of achievement, with Pinnacle on top. Only contractors with excellent records in exhibiting quality workmanship, financial stability, an outstanding member rating, and high commitment to safety are able to reach this level.

Sales Manager Ryan Dietz and REPS: Roofing & Exterior Products Services of Ohio President Bill Spencer presented the award to KRSM Vice President of Estimating Chad McLeish, Chairman John Kalkreuth, and VP of Purchasing Bill Lewis.

We are proud to have reached the Pinnacle level once again. Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible!

Pictured from left to right is Chad, Ryan, Bill S., John, and Bill L.


MAY 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) Submittal Engineer Kristina Koepke passed her LEED AP Building Design + Construction (BD + C) exam and earned her credentials.

In order to take the LEEP AP Exam, there are steps that you have to follow in order to be qualified. First you have to become an individual member of USGBC and prove your experience working on LEED projects. It requires learning the complete LEED building rating system, and completing various coursework before finally being able to register to take the exam.

“Having LEED APs on staff shows KRSM’s dedication to providing products and services that our competitors cannot,” said Senior Engineer LEED AP BD+C, GRP Ed Calvert. “It shows a willingness to keep up with an ever changing industry and gain knowledge and experience in the most recent construction and design best practices, which our customers desire and are now often requiring.”

Congratulations, Kristina, and keep up the great work!


APRIL 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) would like to highlight a recently-completed, multi-million dollar project. The Omni Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, is now the tallest and most luxurious hotel in the city.

Our scope of work for this 30-story skyscraper began in March of 2017 and was officially completed by March of 2018. Altogether, Kalkreuth installed 90,000 square feet of PVC roofing and 110,000 square feet of decorative ballast.

“Our crews did a great job on this project,” said Project Manager Joe Minor. “When we work on any project, especially of this size and location in a busy city center, we make every effort to coordinate well with other trades and cause as little disruption to the surrounding businesses as possible.”

East Coast Metal Systems (ECMS) fabricated 23,000 square feet of metal composite panels in both custom Graphite Grey Mica and Platinum finishes using the EC-200 Dry Joint Rainscreen System™ as well as custom extruded aluminum angles, tees, and tubes finished to match the panels.

“Our metal fabrication shop is full of skilled workers who care about the quality of our products,” said ECMS Engineering Manager John Hyde. “When you look at a structure like this, it’s amazing to see their work on the completed project.”


APRIL 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) Estimator Justin Spillman took part in a one-day college career seminar at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) in Richmond.

Justin and four other graduates from EKU’s construction management program discussed their construction back-ground with around 50 graduating seniors. Students were able to ask questions and receive advice from real industry professionals.

“This class was a great opportunity for students in the construction management program to better understand what their next step should be upon graduating,” said Justin. “The students seemed especially appreciative and intrigued since we were all in their shoes just a few years ago.”


APRIL 2019 – Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal (KRSM) Business Development Manager Lyndsey Martin attended the National Association of Women In Construction (NAWIC) Lexington-Bluegrass Chapter monthly board meeting.

At the meeting, Lyndsey served as one of the speakers addressing ways to increase membership, networking opportunities, and recruiting the right people.

Lyndsey currently serves on the Board of Directors as the Co-Chair. “I was honored to be asked to speak to the group about how to best grow our chapter,” said Lyndsey. “The fact that the association considers me an expert in networking is a great feeling, and I hope I am able to increase our membership not just by numbers, but also the quality of members involved to best benefit all of us.”