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Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal once again served as Title Sponsor for the Debbie Green Memorial 5K Run/Walk for Leukemia in Wheeling, WV on Saturday, August 6.

Along with 1,000 other participants, nearly 70 employees, friends, and family registered for the race to represent Kalkreuth Roofing and Sheet Metal as the Title Sponsor! We were thrilled to have the biggest team in the race again this year! We are thankful to everyone who participated, especially Race Director Ron Green for organizing another great event in memory of his sister Debbie Green to benefit local families.

Debbie Green was diagnosed with Leukemia in 1970 and lost her battle in 1972. Her brother Ron, only four years old at the time, now operates this annual race for Leukemia victims and has recently opened it up to benefit families stricken with other types of childhood cancer as well. “One of the reasons I’m doing what I’m doing is to help other families get through this disease just like we did,” Ron Green said.

“The Debbie Green Memorial 5K represents a great tradition for a worthy cause in the Ohio Valley. Many have us have had cancer affect our lives in some way, whether through friends or family. The Debbie Green offers support for children battling leukemia and other childhood cancers, which is a fight we feel these children shouldn’t have to undergo alone,” said company president John Kalkreuth. “We support the Debbie Green Memorial 5K because none of us can do a lot as individuals; but when a community rallies together, we can make a difference.”

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